Saturday, April 11, 2009


LENT is finally over tomorrow! I'm so soooo excited! This has seriously been the longest Lent season ever! I think it was more than 40 days this year. But for those who wanted to know what I ended up sacrificing:
- Soda
- Fast food
- Makeup
- Hair straightener
- Leisure spending

and my goodness what a rough Lent it has been! Tomorrow, I'm going to buy lots of things and treat myself to a cake n' shake from Cold stone :)

So I'm in serious need of an update.

Spring Break! It was so fun :) went to Moonlight Beach with Skyler and Mikey, celebrate my Daddy's birthday, and went to GLAMIS!!! Ohh yeah, soo fun :) learned how to shift on the quad, went riding in the little dunes! I can't wait to go back! I definitely want my own quad now. This one in particular...

Ugh, so pretty! It's a KTM, and I think it's a 525. But if and when I have enough money to buy that sucker, I'm definitely getting it :D

Spring quarter started, and I have it pretty easy this quarter. Math, english, chem, and biochem seminar. No breadth courses, so that's one less stress :D and my math teacher is Grandini, who Skyler had for 9HB and 9HC. Aaaaand i bet he now knows me as "the smart guy's girlfriend." Hahaha! At least I'm known for something :D!

Can't wait for Lent to be over tomorrow! I'm going to make myself super pretty and if there's time in the day, Skyler and I are going to go to Lone Star and order 7 plates of their delicious wings <333