Sunday, June 7, 2009


and that I still care about blogspot! :)

Blog from Post-Lent:

and UNFORTUNATELY, the video I made a few hours ago was "too long for YouTube". Yeah? Well, SHOVE IT!

I'm just kidding :) I'll make an update AFTER my English final tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


LENT is finally over tomorrow! I'm so soooo excited! This has seriously been the longest Lent season ever! I think it was more than 40 days this year. But for those who wanted to know what I ended up sacrificing:
- Soda
- Fast food
- Makeup
- Hair straightener
- Leisure spending

and my goodness what a rough Lent it has been! Tomorrow, I'm going to buy lots of things and treat myself to a cake n' shake from Cold stone :)

So I'm in serious need of an update.

Spring Break! It was so fun :) went to Moonlight Beach with Skyler and Mikey, celebrate my Daddy's birthday, and went to GLAMIS!!! Ohh yeah, soo fun :) learned how to shift on the quad, went riding in the little dunes! I can't wait to go back! I definitely want my own quad now. This one in particular...

Ugh, so pretty! It's a KTM, and I think it's a 525. But if and when I have enough money to buy that sucker, I'm definitely getting it :D

Spring quarter started, and I have it pretty easy this quarter. Math, english, chem, and biochem seminar. No breadth courses, so that's one less stress :D and my math teacher is Grandini, who Skyler had for 9HB and 9HC. Aaaaand i bet he now knows me as "the smart guy's girlfriend." Hahaha! At least I'm known for something :D!

Can't wait for Lent to be over tomorrow! I'm going to make myself super pretty and if there's time in the day, Skyler and I are going to go to Lone Star and order 7 plates of their delicious wings <333

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring break never felt sooo good.

So stoked to finally be on break now! Had my last final today and now I'm done done done! Party on Saturday, beach on Sunday, beach on Tuesday (again!), then Daddy's birthday on Wednesday! And I'm still trying to get the OK from my parents to go to Glamis on Thursday (CROSSES FINGERS TIGHTLY.)

Today consisted of: final at 11:30, working out with Skyler around 3ish, making lunch, then getting a random call from Rachel asking me to drive all the way down to work to help Hannah. Apparently, there was a rush and she couldn't get much done, so when I get there, it is completely... EMPTY. So much for a rush! But it's okay, at least I got to make some money :))

Speaking of work, I'm planning on quitting. I'm so fed up, and I'm tired of this whole "favorites" game. It doesn't bother me at all, but when you start to give someone else 3475938457 more hours than you... then it gets serious. But you know what? It's all good. Because if I get to go to Glamis, then GOOD LUCK FINDING SOMEONE ELSE TO WORK AFTEROONS :)))

I'm going to enjoy my Spring Break now while I have it :) toodles!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I thought Super Crew already won?

Oh... you said "Quest".


Monday, March 2, 2009


Brace yourself, and goodnight!